
I am an experienced waxing technician and I specialize in waxing ALL parts of the body for men, women, and teens including extreme bikini line patterns.

Facts and Myths

Fact: Hair needs to be at least half an inch, or half the length of your thumbnail to be long enough for waxing.

Myth: There is a thick hair growth post-waxing. Actually, Waxing removes the hair completely from the root so the new hair grown is less thick than the previous hair. Regular waxing of hands and legs reduces the hair growth taking place at each time.

Fact: If hair is the proper length BUT you’ve been shaving, it might hurt a bit more as all the hairs are blunt. Stop shaving at least 2 to 2-1/2 weeks before getting waxed. After 1 or 2 more times, the hairs will all be tapered, so it won’t hurt as much.

Myth: Waxing results in patches on the skin. Actually, waxing is a chemical free method of hair removal. So there are no chances of patches or marks resulting from it.

Fact: Exfoliating every time you shower with exfoliating gloves will allow the hair to slide more easily out of the follicle, getting a better result.

Myth: Your skin becomes rough. Actually, rough skin is as a result of not taking care of your skin. Proper skin care regime like exfoliation and massaging should be followed regularly pre and post-waxing.

Questions and Answers

Is it safe to get waxed?
Being highly germaphobic myself I really appreciate this question. In this area it is very common to see poor hygiene in waxing establishments. On a recent Department of Regulation and Licensing enforcement sweep of Wisconsin the Department reported that 50% of establishments had violations!
At Hair Therapy Spa I utilize fresh hospital grade latex-free disposable gloves for EVERY waxing service to minimize exposure. I also NEVER double dip waxing sticks as this transfers bacteria to the warm wax pot and allows it to breed there and passes it to the next client.
For strip waxing (where one uses a heated wax, applies it to the skin then rubs a piece of fabric or strip on the wax then zips off the strip hence the name strip wax) I utilize the patented Waxing System. PHD stands for Professional Hygienic and Disposable. It has disposable applicators that are changed for EACH client and a one way valve in the applicator that prevents the wax from "backwashing" like a roll on system does so the used wax and applicator never touch the wax supply eliminating any chance of cross contamination of product.
For hard waxing of coarse hair such as bikini line or under arm hair, I utilize fresh applicators for each application and NEVER double dip or if you are frequent client I simply keep and label your own pot of wax used only for you.
I clean the skin before each treatment with state approved antiseptics and utilize hospital level disinfection and sterilization on all my non-disposable implements and tools.
Waxing is very safe with proper after care by the client and proper hygiene by the technician. If you have a doubt about your salon's waxing, see sticks sitting in their wax pot, or they don't glove, don't risk an infection just leave immediately.

Is waxing for women only?
No! All sorts of men, especially one who wants to look great without any effort. Every day I work with male clients from all walks of life from farmers to construction workers to teachers and executives. Being hair free isn't just for women.
Many men are enjoying being maintenance free and riding themselves of unwanted back hair, nose hair, eyebrow hair, and other excess body hair.
Many very athletic men including bicyclists, body builders, swimmers, and runners find waxing far more esthetically pleasing and easier than shaving body hair before competing and don't miss razor rash. Unlike shaving stubble, waxed areas grow in finer and softer feeling and pass the "snuggle" test. Is it easier to shave every day or wax once a month?

How do I prepare myself before getting waxed?
The best way to prepare yourself is to first relax and know you're in good hands. I am very well trained and experienced. My goal is to make this treatment as pleasant as possible and to help you be as comfortable with the procedure as possible. Trust me, I've seen it all before! You can be confident in my hygiene practices and in my skill. I have done many body waxes including many extreme bikini line work for men and women.
You may want to avoid using harsh soaps or astringents for 2 hours before and after waxing. Definitely avoid any tanning or hot water (hot showers, hot soaking baths, hot tubs etc.) for 8 hours before or after treatment. A normal warm shower to clean up before waxing is appreciated. Some clients choose to take an OTC pain reliever such as Advil or Tylenol 45 minutes before their appointment. I have also found that clients that take an antacid or two 30 minutes before their appointment experience less redness post treatment. If you are taking prescription medications for acne or using Retinol type products I will be unable to provide you with waxing services due to the potential for skin damage.

How often should I get waxed
I will develop a custom treatment plan for you detailing how often you need to come in for best results. On average every 3 to 4 weeks is the recommended or when the hair reaches 1/4 inch in length. The first wax it is ideal to have hair slightly longer, about 1/3" long. I can always trim hair that is too long, but it is difficult to get smooth results if hair is not long enough! Better too long then too short!

How bad is the Pain?
It will be uncomfortable but tolerable. As the boss always says, "Your first waxing can be a bit of a religious experience and subsequent waxes are a walk in the park!" The first time you wax is always more uncomfortable than later waxes. After all, you have allowed those hairs to grow for years in some cases and they can be extremely coarse. If you can tweeze you can wax just fine.
As you continue with waxing, the treatments will be more and more comfortable as I am dealing with new smaller hairs and you will be able to space them out a bit more. Removing hair directly from the follicle is never super comfortable, but I am professional, fast, and highly experienced. If you can stand to remove a band-aid really fast you can wax just fine.

Does it matter what I wear?
This of course depends on the area to be waxed and your personal comfort/modesty level. A few suggestions:
Avoid wearing clothes that will fit tightly over the area to be waxed. This can cause uncomfortable chafing or rubbing after your waxing. For the back or chest to wear a darker colored soft shirt as wax can stain lighter colored fabrics and stiff shirts or scratchy fabrics will hurt! Without hair as a buffer you will find your skin to be MUCH more sensitive. For the underarms, you may wear a tank top or remove your shirt. For most hair patterns, ladies may keep their bra on. For leg waxing you may wear looser fitting pants or skirt and for full leg waxing an old swimsuit or underwear. Avoid wearing new fleecy sweatpants you haven't washed for leg waxes as you may find when you get home you are covered in sweat pants fuzz.
I will provide disposable underwear for those females having bikini line/genital waxing done as there can be some wax residue and I'd hate to ruin your favorite pair of underwear. I also utilize the disposable underwear to assist in stretching the skin tight making waxing more comfortable for you with less risk of bruising. With the Playboy or the full Sphinx wax it is easier for me if you are comfortable without your underwear and instead use the provided disposable pairs but I respect your modesty. For all bikini line waxing, during the treatment if you prefer you can wear your own underwear as I can work around it. Depending on what hair you would like removed, select appropriate underwear styles (i.e. a thong if you want the derriere waxed) and not your favorite pair.

How long does this take?
That depends on the area and how much hair you have. I never upcharge. For bikini waxing plan up to an hour, for legs and bikini up to 90 minutes. For a back or chest plan up to 60 minutes. For underarms or arms plan 15-30 minutes. I will only charge you for the time I use and I will do my best to estimate the worst case scenario for you ahead of time so there are never any surprises here when it is time to pay if you are receiving the electrolysis client discount.
Generally, virgin waxing takes longer then subsequent waxes as there will only be the active growing hair present so there will be less of it.

I've heard there are different types of Bikini Waxes or patterns. What patterns will you do?
I offer many types of Bikini Wax Treatments for men and women: Including the Regular Bikini, Brazilian Bikini, the EO, Playboy Bikini, The EC2, the Boxer Brief, and the Sphinx. Presented in order from least hair removed to most:
The Regular or Standard Bikini Wax: This wax removes all hair outside of the brief style panty line. This is a very conservative wax, perfect if you need a clean line for a swim suite or athletic brief.
The E.O.: "The Equipment Only wax" The hair is removed from the penis and scrotum only.
The Brazilian Bikini Wax: Picture what is covered by a thong, I don't remove what would be covered everything outside the thong goes. It leaves a rectangle-like stripe or triangular shape in the vaginal area, two to three fingers in width. Hair is NOT removed from the labia (outer folds of the vulva also called the lips). Hair is removed from the derriere (buttocks) and in the cleft between them.
The Playboy Bikini Wax THE MOST POPULAR LADIES' WAXING PATTERN: Basically I will remove all the hair from the vulva/genital region leaving a small "landing strip" in various shapes on top of the pubic mound. All hair is removed from the labia and the derriere.
This is an excellent choice if you tend to have the dreaded "swampy" condition or suffer from yeast infections. From a hygienic perspective, this can be the best option for easy cleansing and drying of the genital area. Genital hair tends to trap moisture creating a perfect warm moist environment for a host of bacteria and fungal infections. If you happen to have psoriasis in the genital region, this is the wax I would recommend, you'd be surprised how quickly it seems to clear up once waxed.
EC2 pattern: For gentleman this is the playboy equivalent. It includes removing the hair from the equipment, crack, and cheeks if needed. I will also take it off the sides and above the "equipment" leaving the hair above the penis in a shape and pattern of your choosing. As the equipment is now visible as reported in Men's Health Magazine it tends to make the package look larger and fuller...enough said.
For both genders, with the Playboy pattern or the EC2, the derriere and the backside cleft really are optional but recommended for the most esthetically pleasing results. I know what you are thinking, but you will be surprised how little sensation that backside will have, after all its built to be sat on and used...
The Sphinx or Bare All Bikini Wax: In ladies, hair is entirely removed from the vulva area, labia, and from the derriere. Just like the name says, it's bare all. Sometimes this treatment is referred to as "The Full Monty" Bikini Wax. For men this would be removing all the hair that would be covered by brief style underwear. If you would like the upper thighs done, perhaps you would like the Boxer Brief pattern which removes what would have been covered by a Boxer Brief style of underwear.
I'm a normal guy worried I'll get an erection during genital waxing does that happen a lot?
This is a very common concern among men and one of the top questions I receive from both men and women. They worry that the technician might be a female and that they will become aroused during genital waxing.
Unfortunately, some members of the public still associate genital waxing services with smut, pornography, and the sex industry. While you might feel more attractive after services and I am glad you are happy with the results, during your waxing isn't the time to focus on that. Waxing is commonly done for personal hygiene reasons, the area is simply easier to keep clean and dry which also helps to prevent issues such as jock itch.
I offer professional waxing services here and not any type of sexual services.
Most men do not find the sensation of depilatory waxing to be sexually arousing and would not report it as a pleasurable experience, tolerable is generally the term I hear. While they like the results, they tolerate the process. Typically men can control their erectile responses. It would not be a normal event to have an erection during waxing for several reasons: First and foremost I am very clinical about it. The technicians conduct themselves in a professional manner and while friendly, aren't friendly. Your personal modesty will be respected, and you will respect mine, you will be appropriately draped and positioned at all times. Because I utilize hard wax, there is no invasive rubbing of the area being waxed like there would be in strip waxing. Wax is applied with a clean single use applicator.
Having said that, if you are looking for some sort of "happy ending" you should know that I take my job very, very, seriously here. Understand that any illicit, sexually suggestive remarks, or advances made by you will result in the immediate termination of the treatment and you will pay the full fee for the service and may be denied future treatment.


Body Waxing Pricing Chart
Eyebrows $10.00 Back $55.00
Full Chest $60.00 Chest Pattern $55.00
Half Legs $40.00 Full Legs $60.00
Arms $30.00 Underarms $12.00
Fingers, toes/feet, stomach or shoulders $  5.00

Women's Only Waxing Pricing Chart
see above for descriptions
Bikini $30.00 Brazilian $45.00
Playboy $60.00 Sphinx $60.00

Men's Only Waxing Pricing Chart
see above for descriptions
Bikini Line EO $55.00 Bikini Line TBC $60.00
Bikini Line TC² $65.00 Bikini Line The Boxer Brief $75.00
Nape of Neck $15.00 Ears OR Nose $10.00

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Hair Therapy Electrolysis and Waxing Spa | 809 West Oakwood Road, Oak Creek, WI 53154 | 39 N Wisconsin Street, Elkhorn WI |(262) 325-3612

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